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Feb 15

February 15th, 2022:

What’s New in JetBrains Academy for Organizations

Last summer we introduced JetBrains Academy for Organizations. This platform can give your team hands-on learning experience in programming that they can then apply in their daily work or studies. Your team members can learn a programming language from scratch, improve their existing skills, or close certain skill gaps.

While keeping your team empowered with an up-to-date skillset is important, we also focused on improving the platform administrative functionality. Now you can manage your team and see how effectively your team members are learning from one place. In particular, you’ll be able to:


With a new dedicated Organization page, you can now manage your team members’ accounts effortlessly and understand how effectively your team is learning at glance. You can access this page via the Manage organization button on the Subscription page or via the Organization button on the top navigation bar. Let’s take a closer look at what you can do there.

Add new members to your team and remove existing ones

To add new members to your team, copy the invitation link in the upper-right corner and send it to them. If there are not enough seats in your subscription, you will need to buy additional seats using your JetBrains Account or you can remove existing users.


To remove existing team members, click the Deactivate button next to the users in question and confirm the action.

Connect your corporate domain with the single sign-on

We’ve already made it easy for teams that used corporate Google accounts to log in to JetBrains Academy for Organizations. But now we’ve gone further and expanded the single sign-on functionality to include your corporate domain. You can specify this by clicking Edit in your organization profile. In the pop up window, type in your corporate domain name and save the changes. From that point on, your team members will be able to automatically join the platform using their work email addresses. Alternatively, you can always add new team members by sending them an invitation link by following aforementioned instructions.


See your team’s progress on the overview dashboards

Overview dashboards help you keep track of each learner’s progress and review their metrics so you can understand how effectively your team is learning. You will now find 3 dashboards on the Organization page: Members and their subscription status, Members’ activity, and Total statistics. Let’s take a closer look at each one.

Members and their subscription status shows all past and present members of your organization. There, you can see each member’s username, email address, join date, and the status of their subscription.

Each team member can have one of the three statuses: Active, Pending, or Inactive, with the following meanings:

  • Active: The user has been verified and has full access to the platform.

  • Pending: The user hasn’t been verified and doesn’t have access to the platform. This may happen because the user hasn’t confirmed their email or there are no more seats available in your subscription. 

  • Inactive: The user has been removed from your organization or deleted their account.


Members’ activity shows the number of problems, topics, projects, and tracks each member has completed. You can also see when each member was most recently active on JetBrains Academy. 

Total statistics shows the overall number of problems, topics, projects, and tracks completed by your team members.

We know how important the onboarding process is to everyone — whether you’re setting up a new platform, administering the learning process, or actually studying. We hope that the new functionality will provide a smooth process for you and your team! Learn more about how you can start with JetBrains Academy for Organizations in our Help Center guide.

What’s new for learners?

We’re continuously improving our platform and adding new learning content and functionality for JetBrains Academy learners. Since last summer, we’ve introduced a new programming language (Go) and launched new subjects to study (math and machine learning). We’ve also released several new and more specialized tracks that can help your team develop a new skill, like shell scripting, keep up with language technologies, like Django or Flask frameworks, or elevate their knowledge in specific areas of development, like backend or desktop applications. See the entire list of tracks on the Tracks page.


To keep your team motivated throughout the learning process, we released certificates of completion. Now whenever one of your team members completes their track, they’ll receive a personalized certificate, which is the perfect way to showcase the skills they’ve gained. It quickly became one of the most beloved platform features for our learners, so we are sure your team will like it!

March 17th, 2022:

JetBrains Academy: New Projects and Topics in February

In February, we created 5 brand-new projects, released 3 projects from Beta, and published more than 40 new educational topics. Read on to see what’s new.

Java tracks

🆕 Project: Anti-Fraud System (Spring Boot, Beta). Challenging.

This project demonstrates the principles of anti-fraud systems used in the financial sector. You will work on a system with a set of REST endpoints responsible for interacting with users, and an internal transaction validation logic based on a set of heuristic rules.

🆕 Topics: 

April 4th, 2022:

JetBrains Academy: New Projects and Topics in March

If you are learning Go, we have good news for you! In March, we created 2 brand-new Go projects: In-Memory Notepad and Duplicate File Handler (Beta). We also released the Magic Form (Beta) project for frontend development learners and Tasklist (Beta) for Kotlin learners. In addition, we published over 30 new educational topics.

Java tracks

🆕 Topics: 

May 5, 2022:

Toolbox App 1.24 Adds a New “Services” Tab


TL;DR: We’ve introduced a new Services tab, which contains the JetBrains team tools, added a new tool to your box – JetBrains Space, and released some performance improvements and bug fixes.



New Services Tab

We are introducing a new Services tab that contains the team tools or SaaS applications. It includes a new addition to the Toolbox App – JetBrains Space, an all-in-one solution for projects and teams, as well as Datalore, our online Jupyter notebook environment, which was moved from the Tools tab. We plan to add other JetBrains team tools in the future, such as YouTrack and TeamCity. Stay tuned!


JetBrains Space

What’s JetBrains Space?

A unified platform that covers the entire software development pipeline, from hosting Git repositories, automating CI/CD, publishing packages, and orchestrating cloud development environments, to managing issues, sharing documents, and communicating in chats – all in one place. Learn more.

JetBrains Space integration in the Toolbox App

After connecting your Space account, your favorite Space projects will be listed in the Toolbox App. You can then easily open them in your IDE of choice.


How it works

To start working with JetBrains Space, you first need to sign in to your existing Space account by entering your organization URL, e.g. [company] If you don’t have a Space organization, you’ll need to create one.

You’ll be prompted to grant the necessary permissions to the app in the browser. Back on the Services tab, you’ll see the newly connected account. Clicking on it opens your company Space page in the browser.

Note that you can sign in to multiple Space organizations if you use more than one Space instance. Click the “Sign in to another Space instance…” in the Space account context menu and enter another organizational URL. As soon as the permissions are granted, the new Space instance will appear on the Services tab. You may add as many Space instances as you need.

Space Projects

After you connect your Space account, the Toolbox App displays your favorite Space projects on the Projects tab, right after your local ones. You can easily clone any of the Space projects in an IDE of your choice using the Clone button. The local projects cloned from Space are marked by a little Space logo.


What’s Datalore?

Datalore is a powerful online environment for Jupyter notebooks released by JetBrains a year ago. Learn more.

Datalore in the Toolbox App

The tool has moved from the Tools tab to the new Services tab. Here you can open it to add it to your list of tools. It will always be right there at your fingertips for easy access.

If you need immediate help opening the documentation, or if you need to contact the support team, the useful links are stored in the About page in the Datalore context menu.

Performance Improvements

TBX-7589: several memory leaks plugged.

Bug Fixes

TBX-5755: custom TLS certificates added to the system trust store are now correctly recognized as trusted.

The full release notes are available here.

August 2, 2022:


JetBrains Academy: New Projects and Topics in July 2022

This July we released new projects for Python, SQL, JavaScript, Go, Bash, and Scala learners! There are also 45 new topics for you to study and enjoy. Moreover, this month we introduced our brand new SQL With Python track! If you are interested in learning SQL, Python, or both, make sure to check it out.

Now let’s dive into the updates in more detail.


🆕 Machine learning project: HR Data Analysis (Beta). Medium.

If you are interested in getting a job as a data analyst, this project is for you! It is based on the real tasks a data analyst may encounter in their work. Master data merging and grouping, as well as aggregation functions. You’ll also draw up pivot tables using the pandas functionality and conduct data analysis.

🆕 SQL With Python project: Calculator for Investors (Beta). Challenging.

Create a small program that helps investors do a fundamental analysis based on a company’s reports and estimate that company’s performance. With this calculator, you can identify the best company in the industry and decide whether to buy its shares.

🆕 Django project: Bike Shop (Beta). Challenging.

Implement a web application for a bike shop that will allow customers to order a custom bike of their choice, provided that the relevant bike parts are in store. Learn about general Django concepts, such as models, forms, the admin panel, and the template language, and master Django ORM (object-relational mapping).


🆕 Project: Library Management System (Beta). Easy.

A database is an excellent tool for storing big chunks of information – anything, from images to text, single-character data to thousands of digits. In this project, you’ll learn the basics of SQL by operating a database that runs a library. You’ll process data, define functions, learn which data types can be used for management systems, and more.


🆕 Project: Blockchain (Beta). Challenging.

One of the most fascinating developments of the past decade is the spread of blockchain technology. It has become the backbone for lots of modern decentralized solutions, most notably the first cryptocurrency – Bitcoin (₿). In this project, you’ll develop a profound understanding of how blockchains work, apply your hashing and multithreading skills, and learn about (de)serialization.

🆕 Topics: 


🆕 Project: Simple Tic-Tac-Toe (Beta)

Do you remember this paper-and-pencil game from childhood? It’s also known as Noughts and Crosses or Xs and Os. In this project, you’ll program a Tic-Tac-Toe game while learning the basics of Scala, including defining and using methods, handling errors, and processing user input.

🆕 Project: Coffee Machine (Beta)

Build your own coffee machine simulator! This device uses coffee, milk, and plastic cups to serve espresso, cappuccino, and latte. If it runs out of any supplies, it will give you an alert and ask you to restock them. This is a great project for anyone who wants to to get a taste of Scala, practice working with functions, and refresh their knowledge of loops and conditions.

🆕 Topic: Operators

Bash (Unix shell)

🆕 Project: Enigma (Beta). Easy.

Familiarize yourself with Bash commands while building a simple cipher that creates a file and encrypts it with a Linux utility. Use variables, functions, and loops, and learn how to convert chars, as well as encrypt and decrypt files.


🆕 Project: Hangman (Beta)

Hangman is a popular yet grim puzzle game. A cruel computer hides a word from you, which you have to guess letter by letter. If you fail, you’ll be “hanged”. If you win, you’ll survive. This project is a great choice if you’re just starting with JavaScript. You’ll go through all the basics, become familiar with different data types, develop an understanding of the building blocks of a program, and practice working with loops and arrays.

🆕 Topics:


🆕 Topics:


🆕 Topics: 


🆕 Topics: Power functionsPitfalls of gradient descentExpected value of a continuous random variableCentral limit theoremConcept of a random variableNormal distribution


🆕 Topics: 


Projects marked as Beta are still in the early stages of testing. If you’re interested in checking out Beta projects on the platform, make sure the Beta-tester feature is enabled in your profile settings.

If you have any questions or if you would like to share your feedback, feel free to leave a comment below, contact us at, or share your thoughts with us on TwitterFacebook, or Reddit.

Enjoy learning!

September 6, 2022: 

JetBrains Academy: New Projects and Topics in August 2022

The academic season is either close or has already started for most of us. Our content updates will help you get the ball rolling in an interactive environment of JetBrains Academy without getting overwhelmed.

This August we released three new projects and 31 new educational topics. Moreover, we introduced our brand new Computer Algorithms and Data Structures track! If you want to prepare for a technical interview as a Software Developer, QA Engineer, or Data Analyst, make sure to check it out.

Now, let’s dive into the updates in more detail.


🆕 Project: Blockchain (Beta). Challenging.

One of the most fascinating developments of the past decade is the spread of blockchain technology. In this project, you’ll develop a profound understanding of how blockchains work, apply your hashing and multithreading skills, and learn about (de)serialization.

🆕 Android project: Secret Diary (Beta). Hard.

In this project, you will create your diary application secured with a password to prevent others from accessing it. You’ll program this multi-activity application to store data on your Android device and gain experience with the most common UI components: Button, TextView, and EditText.

🆕 Topics:


🆕 Project: Carnival Gift Shop. Easy.

Welcome to the carnival gift shop! Now it’s time to spend all of the tickets you’ve won at the carnival. In this project, you will write a program to display the list of gifts available, the amount of tickets you’ve won , and also to help you buy the gift you want. You’ll get familiar with JavaScript’s syntax and practice variables, conditions, loops, and functions.

Additionally, the First Landing project was released from Beta.

🆕 Topics:


🆕 Data science topics: Gini indexNamed entity recognition

The HR Data Analysis and Calculator for Investors projects were released from Beta.


🆕 Topics:


🆕 Topics: Class methodsCompanion objectsTraits and abstract classes

Additionally, the Simple Tic-Tac-ToeSmart Calculator, and Coffee Machine projects were released from Beta.


🆕 Topics:

Additionally, the Duplicate File Handler project was released from Beta.


🆕 Topics: Further integralsConvex functionsTrigonometric functionsCumulative distribution functionLaw of large numbers


🆕 Topics:

Projects marked as Beta are still in the early stages of testing. If you’re interested in checking out Beta projects on the platform, make sure the Beta-tester feature is enabled in your profile settings.

If you have any questions or if you would like to share your feedback, feel free to leave a comment below, contact us at, or share your thoughts with us on TwitterFacebook, or Reddit.

Enjoy learning!

September 8, 2022:

2022.2 Updates of All JetBrains IDEs and .NET Tools

IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2 includes multiple quality improvements to the remote development functionality, making it sleeker and more stable. Starting with this update, IntelliJ IDEA uses JetBrains Runtime 17, which improves the IDE’s performance, security, and user experience. IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate adds support for Spring 6 and Spring Boot 3 features, and introduces updates for several other frameworks. IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2 comes with many other upgrades and refinements to help you develop faster and more efficiently.

WebStorm 2022.2 comes with support for Angular standalone components, updates for Vue 3, TypeScript 4.7 support, improvements for Docker, built-in remote development workflows, a new way to run the current file, and more.

In DataGrip 2022.2, we’ve added the ability to import multiple CSV files at once, introduced the Playground and Script resolve modes, made the new Modify UI the default option, and more.


DataSpell 2022.2, our IDE for data scientists, brings a visual Merge view for Jupyter Notebook. It allows you to identify at a glance the changes to be merged in your notebook. Another visual enhancement we’ve added is the ability to resize image outputs by dragging their bottom border, which can be particularly useful when you are digging into details. With this release, you are able to copy-paste directories to, from, and between remote servers. You can also use the WSL-based interpreter for environments created with venv.

PyCharm 2022.2 introduces support for several Python 3.11 features, such as exception groups and the except* operator, new notations for individual TypedDict keys, and variadic generics. With the improved HTTP client, you can select a run environment using an icon on the gutter and send queries over HTTP and WebSocket protocols out of the box. The new Run Current File feature allows you to instantly run and debug a single file without a dedicated run configuration.

GoLand 2022.2 offers new features for generics and, and lets you run fuzz tests from the IDE. SQL statements are now automatically detected in strings. We’ve also added support for WebSocket and GraphQL endpoints.

PhpStorm 2022.2 brings support for Mockery and Rector, enhanced support for generics and enums, improvements to the debugger and the HTTP client, and more.

The CLion 2022.2 release integrates better with CMake and CMake Presets. The Quick Documentation popup has become a useful source of knowledge about your C++ and CMake code. Enhanced static and dynamic code analysis, better debugger integration, and performance improvements for remote and docker toolchains help you develop more productively.

RubyMine 2022.2 comes with support for Rails URLs, RBS and debugger improvements, support for YARD macro extensions, and several other new features.

AppCode 2022.2 helps you analyze the structure of your application by generating UML class diagrams for Objective-C and Swift. It also improves code documentation, generation, and formatting, and is aligned with the latest Xcode versions and new Swift language features. The Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile plugin for AppCode now supports many additional types of projects to help you develop applications for Android and iOS more efficiently.

You can update your IDEs at any time via the Toolbox App or from within the tools themselves, or you can get the latest versions directly from the JetBrains website.

.NET tools and VS extensions 2022.2

ReSharper 2022.2 and Rider 2022.2 include support for additional C# 11 features, updates to code analysis, and optimized memory usage by Solution-Wide Analysis. 

In ReSharper 2022.2, we’ve also introduced the Virtual Formatter for viewing code in your preferred format without actually reformatting the source code on the disk, as well as the Disk Cleanup tool for removing temporary files generated by ReSharper. ReSharper C++ 2022.2 introduces Blueprints-specific inlay hints and inspections and significantly improves the indexing performance for your Unreal Engine projects. 

Rider 2022.2 has shipped with overall performance improvements, including optimizations for startup performance and the Solution-Wide Analysis engine. Support for C# 11 has been extended to cover required members, checked user-defined operators, raw strings, and list patterns. We’ve implemented a way to apply the same window layout settings to all of the solutions you work on. To make working with Unreal Engine even easier, we’ve added two new actions, New Unreal Module and New Unreal Plugin, and the ability to specify symbol servers to get library symbols when debugging.

That’s all the news for today. Stay tuned for upcoming announcements about the beginning of the Early Access Programs for 2022.3 if you like to be on the cutting edge!

Note: We recommend checking for new EAP versions of your tools right in the Toolbox App. Don’t forget to choose the right channel for your installed tool via its settings.

Happy coding!


October 4, 2022:

JetBrains Academy’s New Projects and Topics: October Update

Our team has prepared 6 new projects and more than 30 new educational topics to get your October started off on the right track. Speaking of tracks, have you checked our new one dedicated to Scala? If you’re already familiar with programming and want to enhance your skills, make sure to check it out.

Now, without further ado, let’s dive into the updates in more detail.


🆕 Project: Digit Recognition (Beta)

Neural networks might seem like a kind of magic, but this project will dispel the illusion. Upon completing it, you’ll have built a neural network of your own. It will be able to recognize numeric data, digitize checks, and even figure out some captchas.

🆕 Project: Crossword Scrabble (Beta). Challenging.

In this project, create a board game where players pick seven letters and guess several words to solve a crossword puzzle. You’ll use Regex to work with collections, loops, and string manipulations, and you’ll learn how to read from a file and convert the data into objects.


🆕 Project: Git Internals. Hard.

Widely used in industry and education, Git is probably the most popular and convenient source control system. In this project, you will learn how Git works and gain experience using Kotlin for binary file parsing. You only need to know a few Git CLI commands for this project, or you can use Git with the GUI wrapper.

🆕 Project: Encryption Decryption (Beta). Medium.

Familiarize yourself with Kotlin while building a simple cipher that creates a file and encrypts it, and that can also be used to decrypt a previously encrypted file. In this project, you’ll pay special attention to working with files and the command line.

🆕 Topics:


🆕 Project: Smart Calculator (Beta). Hard.

In this project, you will learn to create a simple calculator while familiarizing yourself with slices, strings, and maps. You will also get experience with two important data structures: the stack and the queue.

🆕 Topic: Type switching and type casting


🆕 Project: Monty Hall Problem (Beta). Easy.

Learn about the Bayesian approach to probability, which is quite different from the frequency approach many of us are accustomed to. In particular, in this project you will find out what prior probability is, how you move from prior probability to posterior probability by observing events, and about Bayes’ theorem. 

🆕 Topics: Introduction to systems of linear equationsTrigonometric functions plots and properties

Data science

🆕 Topics: ROC and AUCWordNetBasic data exploration

Additionally, the Properties of Compact Groups of Galaxies project, has been released from Beta.


🆕 Topics: Images and textBox modelBox sizingContent accessibilityDesign accessibility


🆕 Topic: Case classes


🆕 Topics:

Additionally, the Hangman JavaScript project and the Simple Calculator and Simple Converter shell script projects have been released from Beta.

Note that projects marked as Beta are still in the early stages of testing. If you’re interested in checking out Beta projects on the platform, make sure the Beta-tester feature is enabled in your profile settings.

If you have any questions or if you would like to share your feedback, feel free to leave a comment below, contact us at, or share your thoughts with us on TwitterFacebook, or Reddit.

Enjoy learning!

November 3, 2022:


JetBrains Academy’s New Projects and Topics: November Update

October was another productive month for the JetBrains Academy team, as we released eight new projects and 37 new educational topics. With the new fun projects you can study Kotlin, Python, Go, Java, and Frontend in an interactive environment of JetBrains Academy. Refine your skills while creating your own online cinema or even a small inhabited universe!

Moreover, we recently introduced a new track on Machine Learning Algorithms From Scratch. With this track, you will get a deep understanding of how ML algorithms work and will learn to build them step by step.

Now let’s dive into the updates in more detail.


🆕 Project: Movie Quality Predictor. Challenging.

Get acquainted with NLP and bag-of-words — a simple yet effective NLP method. With this project, you’ll try to make a natural language understandable for a computer, transform words into digits, and predict movie ratings using various metadata from the movie database.

🆕 Project: NBA Data Preprocessing. Hard.

The predictive performance of a machine learning model highly depends on the input data quality. Get an insight into how to improve the quality of your input data by removing the features with low predictive value, engineering new ones, and dealing with multicollinearity. You will be able to apply these concepts to NBA data to get a high-quality dataset ready to be supplied to a linear model.

🆕 Project: Salary Prediction. Hard.

Linear regression is one of the simplest yet most powerful tools for finding regularities in data and using them for prediction. In this project, you will practice fitting linear models with the scikit-learn library to predict the salary of NBA players. You will also learn how to apply polynomial feature engineering, test your data for multicollinearity, and evaluate models with the MAPE score.

🆕 Topics:


🆕 Project: Petbook (Beta). Hard.

Imagine if our pets had their own social network. In this project, you can create one yourself! You will build a multi-page website with modern animations from ready-made Figma designs.
As a leading developer of this project, you’ll practice your HTML and CSS skills, learn about HTML5 Forms and master CSS Flexbox.

🆕 Project: HyperCinema (Beta). Hard.

Create your own simple version of an online cinema. By completing this project, you will learn how to position elements on a page correctly with CSS, work with text and animation, and of course, play videos in a browser with HTML tools.


🆕 Project: Word Virtuoso (Beta). Medium.

This project is about creating a simple word guessing program with colors. Players must find a secret five-letter word by inputting their guesses. You’ll learn how to work with strings, files, and collections and how to use colors in console applications.

🆕 Topics:

Additionally, the Encryption-Decryption project has been released from Beta.


🆕 Project: Gitman (Beta). Easy.

Git is probably the most popular and convenient source control system, where you can work simultaneously on different tasks with code repositories. In this project, you will study the basic Git commands that allow you to create branches for each task, manipulate the codebase versions, and save your progress, similar to checkpoints in computer games. 

Additionally, the Chuck Norris Cipher Encoder project has been released from Beta.


🆕 Project: Game of Life (Beta). Medium.

In this project, you will create a small inhabited universe and observe the many patterns in which this “life” can evolve. Practice using slices, loops, string formatting, standard IO, and become confident working with random values in Golang while writing a simple “Game of Life”. Careful, you might find it hypnotizing!

🆕 Topics: Unicode packageDebugging Go codeCRUD Operations — Create


🆕 Topics: DateFor … in for ObjectsXMLHttpRequestXMLSerializer & DOMParser


🆕 Topics: Quadratic equationsSolving systems of linear equations by substitution methodInduction


🆕 Topics:

Note that projects marked as Beta are still in the early stages of testing. If you’re interested in checking out Beta projects on the platform, make sure the Beta-tester feature is enabled in your profile settings.

If you have any questions or if you would like to share your feedback, feel free to leave a comment below, contact us at, or share your thoughts with us on TwitterFacebook, or Reddit.

Enjoy learning!

December 1, 2022:

JetBrains AppCode end of sales and support

As of Dec 14, 2022, JetBrains will no longer sell new licenses or renewals for AppCode.

Up to December 31, 2023, JetBrains will continue to provide technical support and release updates that specifically address compatibility issues with Xcode 14, as well as critical security updates as necessary.

Please note that the scope of updates will be limited to the two aforementioned areas.

Normally when a fallback license is granted, the user receives a license to the version of the product that the user started their subscription with. But as a token of appreciation, JetBrains are doing it differently this time. Those who receive fallback licenses will get a license to the version that is currently available when their subscriptions end.

December 15, 2022:


Overview of the 2022.3 Versions of All JetBrains IDEs and .NET Tools

All of our IDEs and .NET tools have rolled out their last updates for this year, and we hope the latest features and improvements will not only help you take your productivity a step higher but will also make your coding more fun!

Here’s an overview of the highlights of each update.

IntelliJ-based IDEs

First, let’s talk about a few big new features that are common to the 2022.3 versions of all our IDEs.

New UI

The completely reworked UI, which was announced earlier this year, is now available to all. After thorough testing, it has proved that it’s both functional and easier to work with for many of our users. Update your favorite IDE and try out the new UI by going to Settings/Preferences | Appearance & Behavior | New UI Preview. We hope you’ll love it!

Settings Sync

Settings Sync is the new solution for synchronizing and backing up your custom user settings, such as shareable settings from the platform, bundled plugins, and third-party plugins. For more details about the new Settings Sync plugin and the migration process, see this guide.

Note that the Settings Sync plugin is not available in Rider.

WSL support in remote development

There is now an alternative way to work with projects running in WSL 2 file systems. Instead of running a full IDE on Windows, your IDE backend will launch directly in WSL 2 itself. You then simply connect to it the same way you would connect to any remote machine when using remote development in the IDE.

Redis support in databases

Long-awaited support for Redis is finally here. Get the full story in this blog post.

We recommend updating your JetBrains tools via the free Toolbox App. Download it from this page or simply click the button below:


Now, let’s go over the other notable features and improvements specific to each IDE.

WebStorm 2022.3 comes with Vitest support, an updated New Project wizard, type narrowing in Angular templates, Code Vision for JavaScript and TypeScript, and improvements for Vue.

IntelliJ IDEA 2022.3. In addition to the features highlighted above, IntelliJ IDEA 2022.3 comes with new actions for autowiring Spring beans and generating OpenAPI schemas. Check out all the details in this blog post.

RubyMine 2022.3 includes enhanced RBS support, improvements for working with shared contexts and examples in RSpec, updated navigation and structure view functionality, and remote development improvements.

PyCharm 2022.3 brings an improved experience for working with asynchronous code in the Python Console, as you can now use the await keyword outside of functions to call coroutines. The Python Packages tool window can now help you find, install, and delete packages from the Anaconda package library (in addition to PyPI). For pandas DataFrames, there are new options to hide columns, use pagination to quickly go through rows, and export DataFrames in various formats.

DataSpell 2022.3 makes data science simpler whether you work on remote or local machines. Execute projects on remote servers directly from your IDE by configuring a remote Python interpreter via SSH. Debug notebook cells on remote Jupyter servers. Automatically track changes to Jupyter notebooks with Local History, no version control required.

GoLand 2022.3 offers performance enhancements, as well as new features for generics and Go workspaces. We’ve integrated Go Playground and added support for improvements to Go doc comments. There are also new features for HTTP Client and Docker, and more.

Rider 2022.3 offers support for the .NET 7 SDK, including the latest features from C# 11. This version boasts significant performance improvements, with a particular focus on startup time and the ability to run Rider on WSL 2 through remote development. We’ve also introduced several big UX and UI changes. Last but not least, this release provides tighter integration with Unity and Unreal editors.

CLion 2022.3 provides a better user experience across the board, from projects with only a couple of C/C++ files to complex CMake-based applications. It also helps you adopt modern C++20 features and work in embedded and remote setups more productively.

DataGrip 2022.3 is here with long-awaited Redis support. Now you can connect to Redis Single Instance, explore key values in the data viewer, write and execute Redis queries, and more. We’ve also introduced a quick filter in the database explorer, pattern-based schema filtering, formats for datetime fields, and other features.

PhpStorm 2022.3 is a major update that includes PHP 8.2 support, Code Vision for PHP, quick-fix preview, support for ParaTest, rendered PHPDoc view, and much more.

AppCode 2022.3 is compatible with macOS 13 and Xcode 14.2. It brings more refactoring capabilities for Swift and enables language injections.

Note that we are announcing the end of AppCode sales and support with this release. Please read this blog post to learn more.

.NET tools and VS extensions

Both ReSharper and Rider have introduced basic support for the latest C# 11 features, as well as vulnerable dependency detection for NuGet packages.

ReSharper 2022.3 also offers reworked code highlighting and database inspections from Dynamic Program Analysis.

Rider 2022.3 brings significant performance improvements, support for the .NET 7 SDK and WSL 2, and the ability to dock tool windows for multi-monitor setups. This release also provides tighter integration with Unity and Unreal editors.

ReSharper C++ 2022.3 introduces experimental support for C++20 modules and provides seamless integration with clang-format.

This update also adds early support for Windows ARM64 to ReSharper, dotPeek, dotMemory, dotTrace, dotCover, and ReSharper’s command-line tools. Rider 2022.3 in particular can run on both Windows and Linux ARM64.


February 3, 2023:

New month – new stories! The February edition of Java Annotated Monthly is here, featuring industry news and trends, helpful tutorials, and step-by-step screencasts. This JAM offers several interesting forecasts about Java and other technologies for the upcoming year. Finally, the Culture and Community section includes a detailed, by-the-numbers analysis of 2023. 

Let’s see what people were talking about in the world of technology in January. 


Java News

Java News Roundup 1234 – Read the blog posts to be sure you haven’t missed any important updates or improvements. 

Time for pudding… and another Panama update – If you’ve been following the progress of JEP 434: Foreign Function & Memory API (Second Preview), this article may interest you. 

Java’s Plans for 2023 – Inside Java Newscast – Nicolai Parlog gathered all of the plans for the current Java projects (Loom, Galahad and Leyden, Panama, Lilliput, Valhalla, and Amber) for 2023. 

Quality Outreach Heads-up – JDK 21: JMX Subject Delegation & Fine-grained Security Deprecation – Don’t miss the features listed for deprecation in JDK 21.


Java Tutorials and Tips

Using Pattern Matching – Read this comprehensive tutorial to learn more about pattern matching and how to write cleaner code using its different variations. The article covers ​​pattern matching for Instanceof, Switch, and Enhanced for statements, as well as guarded and record patterns. 

Java 20: Colossal Sparse Memory Segments – Per Minborg, a Java Core Library Developer at Oracle, shares his knowledge about how mapped memory segments can help allocate 64TB of sparse data on a laptop.

Java 20: An Almost Infinite Memory Segment Allocator – This article continues the narrative of the previous one. In it, Minborg explains how to create a new InfiniteArena class that will help return an almost infinite amount of native memory without ever throwing an OutOfMemoryError. 

Episode 28 “Java Language – State of the Union” – Listen to this episode to learn more about Project Amber’s Pattern Matching and String Templates features. 

From ThreadLocal to ScopedValue with Loom – JEP Café #16 – In just 18 minutes, you will understand how ScopedValue works and how to use it as an incubator feature in JDK 20.

Secure Coding Guidelines for Java SE – This video episode is for you if you want to avoid insecure practices when using Java SE. It also includes an overview of the recent updates, including expanded guidance on topics such as deserialization, exception and error handling, and others.

Episode 29 “Helidon Níma & Virtual Threads” – Tomas Langer, the Helidon architect, explains Helidon Níma – the first Java microservices framework built from the ground up on virtual threads.

Getting Started With Java Development in 2023 — An Opinionated Guide – A detailed guide for Java beginners that includes key opinions and helpful links. 

Hidden gems in Java 19Part 2 – This article digs into underappreciated features included in the Java 19 release apart from the main seven that people have already discussed many times.  

Why Picnic Picked Java – Sander Mak, Director Of Technology at Picnic Technologies, describes why and how his company picked Java as a programming language. 

Building JavaFX with Gradle – This article contains examples of modular and non-modular versions of the build.gradle build script with explanations in the comments.

Java Development Trends 2023 – Do you follow the trends in programming or prefer more traditional approaches?

Handling Virtual Threads – This article introduces different strategies for implementing virtual threads.

Functional Classes – Should you subdivide a functional program into classes like an object-oriented program? Join the discussion.


Languages, Frameworks, Libraries, and Technologies

This Week in Spring – 1234 – All of the latest news and updates are conveniently grouped in these articles. 

The new Spring Boot version validation and upgrade support in Spring Tools – Since Spring Boot releases are pretty frequent, you may want to learn the best practices for painless updates. 

A Bootiful Podcast: Spring legend Ramnivas Laddad – Ramnivas Laddad is the founder of Spring Cloud Connectors and Cloud Foundry and an honored guest on the Bootiful podcast. 

AsyncGetStackTrace: A better Stack Trace API for the JVM – Read this article to learn why AsyncGetStackTrace is a better version of AsyncGetCallTrace. 

Cloud Run Health Checks — Spring Boot App – This article describes how ​​Cloud Run services can configure startup and liveness probes for a running container.

Developer Docs + GenAI = ❤️ – If you are a technical writer interested in trending AI and machine learning technologies, this article is for you. You’ll learn how these innovations can help in your daily writing routine. 

What’s New in Jakarta REST 3.1 in Jakarta EE 10? – Luqman Saeed explores two noteworthy features: a new API to bootstrap REST resources outside of a container and multipart support. 

Writing a Profiler from Scratch: The Profiling Loop – This is the second post in a series describing how to write a profiler’s primary loop.

JVM Kubernetes: Optimizing Kubernetes for Java Developers – The problem with running Java applications in a Kubernetes environment is that the default settings that don’t work well for the JVM. Dariusz Wawer looks into this problem and offers a solution. 

Interesting new filters on Spring Cloud Gateway 4.0 – Find out how the newly added filters help you get more insight into your applications. The following filters are described: CacheRequestBody, LocalCacheResponseBody, AddRequestHeadersIfNotPresent, and RemoveJsonAttributesResponseBody. 

A Brief Overview of the Spring Cloud Framework – Read this article to get an overview of the Spring Cloud framework, a list of its main packages, and their relation to the Microservice Architectural patterns.

The Quest for REST – This blog post lists some of the issues with REST and provides hints at ways to solve them.

On Markdown in (Java) documentation comments… – Jonathan Gibbons explains why Oracle is investigating the possibility of supporting Markdown in Java documentation comments and what challenges they face.

An Opinionated Guide To Getting Started With Jakarta EE Development in 2023 – If you are just getting started with Jakarta EE and feel overwhelmed by all the information out there, Luqman Saeed has gathered all the helpful resources in the article.

Foojay Podcast #12: State and Future of the IDEs – Will IDEs survive in the future? How do they need to evolve, and what challenges do they face to stay up to date? These and other questions are discussed in this podcast.

How to Check Docker Images for Vulnerabilities – In this blog post, you’ll learn how to perform a vulnerability scan and fix the detected issues.


Kotlin Corner

Kotlin 1.8.0 Released – This release brings major updates like new experimental functions for the JVM that allow you to copy or delete directory content recursively, improved kotlin-reflect performance, and a new -Xdebug compiler option for a better debugging experience. More updates in this post!

Kotlin 1.8.0 Released – Kotlin 1.8.0 is out, bringing the possibility to recursively copy or delete directory content, improved kotlin-reflect performance, the new -Xdebug compiler option for a better debugging experience, and more.

Kotlin 1.8.0 Standard Library Update – In this video, Anton describes the updates for Kotlin 1.8.0 standard library, including stabilization of the existing features, an introduction of comparable and subtractable time marks, and java.nio.file.path extensions for recursive deleting and copying.

Creative Coding with Kotlin and Compose – Have you ever tried to be unconventional with Kotlin? Watch this video to see how Compose Multiplatform can help you reveal your creativity in coding.

Optimize Your Kotlin Performance – Profiling, Micro-optimizations, and Precomputing – Duncan McGregor shows how to improve the performance of the previously generated multi-word anagrams.

Running Kotlin coroutines on Project Loom – Read this article to learn how the virtual threads preview feature allows you to effectively turn the blocking code into something non-blocking while still being coroutine compatible.

Kotlin Is More Fun Than Java And This Is a Big Deal – Jasper Sprengers meditates on the perks of Java and Kotlin. Do you agree with his thoughts?

Project Loom And Kotlin: Some Experiments – Check out this article to dive into the performance of virtual threading functionality with Project Loom and Kotlin.


Culture and Community

Happy 0x7E7! – Take a deep dive into what the number 2023 can show us. 

Empowering Women in STEM & Building Inclusive Teams through Cooking – Did you know that women typically leave STEM fields after 5–7 years? Listen to this podcast to learn what factors drive women away and how to find the key to creating an environment where people feel empowered. 

Podcasts I listen to: more than 80 recommendations – If you’ve been lost in an infinite pool of technical podcasts, Tomasz Nurkiewicz has shortened his list to just 80. 

Five books every developer should read – This is a nice selection of books for those still searching for their personal coding style. 

Don’t be like Ebenezer Scrooge. A few words about workaholism – This blog post is a kind reminder to developers around the globe to take vacations and spend time with their loved ones. 

How Behaviour-Driven Development Helps Those with Sleep Disorders Contribute Effectively – You’ll be surprised to learn how many people fight sleep disorders in the workplace. What can be done to help people with these conditions and allow them to work productively? Find out in this article. 

2022 Year in Review: ADRs, Staff Plus, Platforms, Sustainability, and Culture Design – Several speakers discuss the past year’s trends and share their vision for 2023. The topics in question are the benefits of architecture decision records (ADRs), the role of Staff Plus engineers, treating platforms as products, the importance of sustainability and green IT, and the need to be deliberate with culture design.

Why Many Developers Don’t Write or Give Talks and How to Overcome Challenges – If you are one such developer but feel you have the expertise to share with the world, this article contains some handy solutions.

Quality and effort – Struggling to be more careful with your code or job in general? Read this article to find out what you can do about it.


Conferences and Events

6 Essential Tracks at QCon London, March 27-29, 2023: Architecture, FinTech, ML, and More! – The 17th edition of the QCon London international software conference returns March 27–29, exploring 15 tracks focused on the emerging trends and practices the organizers believe will have the greatest impact on software development. This article covers six stand-out tracks that you might be particularly interested in. 


And Finally

IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1 EAP Is Open! – We’ve started a new release cycle and opened the Early Access Program. Join in to test new features and share your feedback. 

IntelliJ IDEA: Managing Dependencies – Watch this screencast to learn how to add dependencies to your project and update and remove dependencies using Package Search.

Qodana and IntelliJ IDEA: How a Code Quality Platform Streamlined the Localization of an IDE – Find out how the IntelliJ IDEA team rose to the challenge of localizing the IDE’s entire UI into Chinese, Japanese, and Korean with the help of Qodana, the code quality platform from JetBrains.

Summary of IntelliJ IDEA Conf 2022 – If you missed any of the sessions we held during IntelliJ IDEA Conf 2022, you can find all of them gathered in this blog post for your convenience.

IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate: Package Checker – The Package Checker plugin bundled in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate allows you to analyze your code and detect vulnerable dependencies.

February 23, 2023:

Today’s update brings an exciting change to the EduTools plugin. It has a new name – the JetBrains Academy plugin! This change reflects our new vision for the educational products and initiatives at JetBrains. Rest assured, all of the features and functionality that you’ve come to rely on are still present and have been improved in this release.

For this update, we’ve focused primarily on improving the plugin’s overall functionality by fixing bugs. Additionally, we’ve implemented a new feature for the course creators that enables learners to view the full text in the Answer Placeholder window without any limitations.

To check out the improvements, install the JetBrains Academy plugin or update to the latest version from Settings/Preferences | Plugins in your JetBrains IDE.

Add an extended text block to the Answer Placeholder window

We’ve added a vertical scroll bar to the Answer Placeholder window, allowing users to see the full text without limitations. Answer Placeholder is a feature that shows students exactly where to write the code. As a course creator, the updated scroll bar allows you to provide more detailed feedback to the learners when creating code exercises.

To create a placeholder, simply select a code fragment you want learners to fill in, invoke the Add Answer Placeholder command from the context menu, and add the placeholder text.

If you want to learn more about the plugin’s features for course creators, check out our Course creator start guide or drop us an email at


Notable improvements and bug fixes:

  • EDU-5544: Python courses are now open in PyCharm as expected. The plugin automatically creates a virtual environment and installs Python dependencies without any issues.

  • EDU-5542: We’ve fixed the issue that was causing the appearance of an unexpected Trust and Open Project window when opening the AMazing course.

  • EDU-5524: The output tab in the Check details tool window has been renamed to Feedback.

  • EDU-5584: The time it takes to check code tasks on Hyperskill has been reduced.

  • EDU-5221: When unpacking archives with multiple SDK versions, the plugin will now use the same versions as in the creator’s project.


For the full list of issues addressed in the JetBrains Academy plugin 2023.2, see our issue tracker.

Please share your feedback with us in the comments section below or on Twitter, and use our issue tracker to report any issues or bugs you encounter.

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